Why we choose WordPress

What-is-WordPressMany of our clients have heard of WordPress, but sometimes they wonder, is WordPress the best tool for their website. Is WordPress a better solution for their website than other options?

Over 72 Million people use WordPress… Why should you?

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the easiest and most powerful and popular blogging and website creation tool that is written in PHP. It’s true that WordPress began as a blogging platform, but that was ages ago. Over the years WordPress has become a full-featured web Content Management System (CMS ) that means you can manage your whole website from a simple to use “Back end (admin)” to your website, and your changes will show up on the “front end”.

Unlike other website building tools WordPress is open source software and free from commercial restrictions and limitations. That means you can use the software anyway you choose and host your website anywhere you choose. Customized WordPress website that gives the end-users a superior web experience and allows you to meet your specific web development goals, right within your budget.

Some awesome Features of WordPress:

Easy Administration:  Manage every aspect of your website in the admin dashboard.

Control Over Web Content: Manage your website content with no HTML experience.Easy to change and add content on your website.

Post to the future: You can write a post today and have it appear on the weblog at a future date, automatically.

Flexible: Thousands of free plugins and themes available for use on your website.

User Management / Access Control List (ACL)

WordPress has an inbuilt user management system, which comes with a number of default roles, each have their own level of capabilities to do varies task within the CMS. As the Admin user you have the ability to change the role of any user created by the CMS.

You do not have the ability within the CMS to create new roles and give them different capabilities, but this can easily be done by a developer in the code by using a couple of lines.

Customizable Menu:  Create dynamic drop-down menus with hierarchy support.

Search Engine Optimized:  Optimal configuration for maximum search engine exposure.

The biggest reason use of WordPress is for the end user, after building sites in WordPress, end users have commented on how easy WordPress is to use, while sites built in other CMS software users have complained about how illogical the admin area is and how hard it is to find what they need to do. Yes the end user can have full control to make changes in the admin area but most of them don’t want to as they are scared to make big changes to the site, so they end up contacting the developer to make these changes in the admin area.

“This is the reason why we choose WordPress for creating websites.”